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Seminars and webinars around Australia.

The highest qualified and best presenters.

Relevant, accurate, up-to-date, enjoyable.



Bookings and Payments



Register On-Line (Preferred)

Open the Registration Form

Register by Email

Email the following information to: (remove the 99)

Delegates' full names (e.g Mr John Smith)

Full name, job title and email of the person making the registration.

The organisation name and ABN.

Purchase order number (if any).

The RN number at the bottom of the email advertising the webinar.

After Registration

Visit the "What to Expect" link above.


Cancellations with full refunds will be accepted where at least seven clear days remain in advance of a seminar/webinar. We are unable to accept cancellations after that time as we are then committed for the venue hire and catering charges, the costs and preparation of the seminar materials, the presenters' fees and their travel and accommodation expenses.

However, course notes will be sent to absentee delegates.

Substitute delegates are always welcome.

Payment Before the Seminar/Webinar Date

Payment is required prior to the seminar/webinar date. However, you will need a tax invoice from us first.

If you have not yet registered for the course you wish to attend, please see Registrations on the left.

EFT (Preferred)

Bank account details are shown on the invoice.

Email us the payment details: (remove the 99)

Credit Card (Secure)

Amex, Visa or Mastercard. Credit card charges apply.

Visit: Westpac Payway Enter Biller Code: 220442

Complete the on-line form with details from the invoice we sent you, especially your RN.


All relevant discounts are displayed on the tax invocie.

Eligibility for the earlybird discount, where it exists, is indicated by an "Adjustment Note" on the invoice.


Besides the tax invoice, we do not separately issue receipts for payment unless specifically requested.

Seminars Australia Pty Ltd

ABN: 83 981 851 753

E: (without the numbers)

© 2017 - 2024 Seminars Australia. All rights reserved.