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Seminars and webinars around Australia.

The highest qualified and best presenters.

Relevant, accurate, up-to-date, enjoyable.



Contact Us

If You Have Not Received a Tax Invoice From Us

We have more than likely issued one, but it may have been quarantined by your server or email filter.

Check your spam or junk folders first,or seek assistance from your IT administrator. If necessary, contact us at the email address below.

If You Have Not Received the Links for a Webinar  Session

If the webinar has been paid for, or special arrangements made, more than likely (and almost defintely), we have issued the links for the course notes and to log on to a webinar session. That email has not bounced back to us (or we would have readdressed it). However, you will probably find that your server or email filter has blocked or quarantined our email. Check your spam or junk folders first, or speak with your IT administrator before contacting us.

During webinar sessions, delegates may send text messages to, or seek technical help from: 0457 022 396.

That number is not available at any other time. Alternatively, you may email us at the address below.

If You Just Want to Chat

Email: (Remove the numbers.)

Postal:   PO Box 357 Bungendore NSW 2621 (But we don't really do snail mail.)

Tel:         We do have a telephone number and we're not afraid to use it. However, we find electronic communications more efficient.

Webinar Session Help Line

During webinar sessions, delegates may contact  us on: 0457 022 396

That number is not available at any other time.